Thursday, April 30, 2015

Open Our Minds to the Scriptures

The readings of the 3rd Sunday of Easter (Year B) reflect on the fulfillment of what was written about the Christ in the Law of Moses, by the prophets and the psalms. All these scriptures find their meaning and fulfillment in the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We should pray to God for his graces to open our minds to understand the scriptures, so that we can truly celebrate the Liturgy of the Word at the celebrations of the Eucharist as well as in every moment of our lives.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe

Jesus appeared to the Apostles, who were behind closed doors in fear of the Jews. Jesus granted the Apostles peace and breathed on them so that they may receive the Holy Spirit. The Apostles present there were joyed by his presence. However,  St. Thomas who was not present at that time refused to believe that Lord Jesus had risen from the dead. When Jesus appears again to the Apostles and shows his wounds, St. Thomas proclaims his faith by crying out "My Lord, My God!". Then Jesus says to him "You believe because you can see me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe".

How many times have we too refused to believe in the Lord, when we are faced with trouble. We lose hope and we look down in to the hole of problems. We wait for a sign or a miracle to happen. However, we miss the sign because we are looking down in to the problems.
We need to look up for the solutions. Look up with hope and keep faith in the Lord, even when there are no visible signs. Blessed will be us, for believing though we have not seen.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Reflection - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (8/2/2015)

It is important that we have total dedication to the Lord in our day to day lives.
We may go through great suffering like Prophet Job - He was tried and tested by the Satan because of his commitment and obedience to God. And, we may go unrewarded for our hard work, like St. Paul went unrewarded.
If we are dedicated to the Lord through prayer, he will harness us spiritually to discern which path to take and be our master and our way.